How We Work
Become a Member
Register with your details name and email address to get started. Fill out profile details include a profile photo you will be ready to add/seek listing and connecting with other members.
Arrange your Ride-share
Add your journey to ‘listing ride’ and filter your search to get connected with interested member in your neighbour.
For Listing tools and services
Create a post for tools or services, filter your search to get connected with interested member in your neighbour.
Connect with CostApple members
Use the messaging system to connect with nearby CostApple member and share how and when you will meet for any advertised services. “I noticed we’re heading in the same direction. Would you like to carpool? I typically leave at 8 am but can adjust to your schedule.”
Confirm you are sharing
If you are the passenger, request to share the driver’s journey. If you are the driver, confirm the passenger’s request.
If you are tool/service provider confirm member request.
Recognise your Member
You can rate the service or leave comment once the service has been provided.
Start saving
Now that you are sharing car/tools and services, you will save money, support sustainability, and decrease road miles!